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Board Meeting Notice

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-04-27      Origin: Site

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China Ludao Technology Company Limited

China Green Island Technology Co., Ltd.

(A limited liability company incorporated in the Cayman Islands)

(Stock code:2023

Board Meeting Notice

Reference is made to China Green Island Technology Co., Ltd. (\"Our company\"And its subsidiaries, collectively referred to as\"our group\") dated March 27, 2020, the unaudited annual results announcement of the Group for the year ended December 31, 2019 (\"The announcement\").

As disclosed in the announcement, due to the outbreak of new coronaviruses, the review process of the Group's annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 has not been completed. After the relevant audit procedures are completed, the company's audited annual results announcement will be published.

The board of directors of the company (\"Board of Directors\") gladly announced that the company will be on Friday, May 8, 2020)Hold board meetings to, among other things, approve the publication of the Group’s audited annual results for the year ended December 31, 2019, and consider the payment of final dividends (if applicable))

By order of the board of directors

China Green Island Technology Co., Ltd.

Chairman and Executive Director

Yu Yuerong

Hong Kong, April 24, 2020

As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors includes five executive directors, namely Mr. Yu Yuerong, Mr. Tan Xiangdong, Mr. Chen Baoyuan, Ms. Pan Yili and Mr. Wang Xiaobing; one non-executive director, namely Mr. Tian Tingshan; and three independent non-executive directors, namely, Chen Yanzhang Mr. Ruan Lianfa and Ms. Qiu Jiejuan.

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